Adult Discussion Group

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am

In person & on Zoom

Leader: Mark Ford

Weekly lesson plans are based on the Feasting on the World Curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary that covers the entire Bible in a  three year period.  Occasionally the Pastor covers the same lesson in their sermon, giving you two in-depth interpretations of the scripture in the same day!

 We have prayer, readings and in-depth study and application.   

Bring your breakfast and enjoy our available coffee and tea as we partake in lively discussion!  All are welcome!

Thursday mornings

9:00 am

In person & on Zoom

Leader: Pastor Anne Nuse

"1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight"

by John Stott

Join us for a study by John Stott of 1 Timothy (8 weeks) followed by Titus (3 weeks). The study begins on February 6th  and will run until March 27th. 

Each individual is encouraged to purchase their own study ($9.11) from Amazon. If you would like to participate, but are unable to purchase the study, please contact Pastor Anne Nuse at